RoR - Basic Workflow

RoR Framework

Ruby on Rails is a open source software designed for modern web application. It has a large community base, which makes this framework very vital. Github, Airbnb, Twitch are all written in Ruby on Rails.

It has two major concepts:

  1. Convention Over Configuration
  2. DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)

Get Started

The following command will automatically generate a RoR framework in the selected directory.

rails new ${directory_name}

Once generated, the framework can be put into deployment. But it is just a “Welcome Page” of Rails.

rails server or rails s

Controllers and Models

To create a controller called “Welcome” with an action called “index”, do this:

rails generate controller Welcome index

This will generate the following things:

CategoryPath / Content
routeget ‘welcome/index’

To create a model called Article along with two attributes called title of type string and content of type text, use the following command(Get more info about Active Record here):

rails generate model Article title:string content:text

This will automatically generate the following things:

CategoryPath / Name

DataBase Setup

To run a migration(Get more info about migration here.):

rails/rake db:migrate [RAILS_ENV=${production, development}]

This command creates a local development database (following the specifications in config/database.yml) and runs the migrations in db/migrate to create the app’s schema. It also creates/updates the file db/schema.rb to reflect the latest database schema. Note: it’s important to keep this file under version control. The default RAILS_ENV is development.

After that, if we want to insert some initial data into the database for testing, we can write some code in db/seeds.rb, and run the following command:

rails/rake db:seed

To save data to the database:

def create
  @article =[:article])
  redirect_to @article

Add Validations to Models

class Article < ApplicationRecord
  validates :title, presence: true, length: { minimum: 5 }

Delete Items

The delete routes is DELETE /articles/:id(.:format) => articles#destroy. So lets add a method in the Article model:

def destroy
  @article = Article.find(params[:id])
  redirect_to articles_path

In view, the link should look like this:

<%= link_to 'Destroy', 
	method: :delete,
	data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %></td>
· Ruby on Rails, Web