RoR - Convention Over Configuration
Category | Example |
Local Variables | variable_xyz |
Instance Variables | @foo |
Class Variables | @@foo |
Global Variables | $global |
Models & Controllers & DB Tables
Category | Specification | Examples |
Models | MixedCase; Singular | class Post |
Controllers | MixedCase; Pluralization | class PostsController |
Primary Key | Assumed to be named id | id |
Foreign Key | Assumed to be named XXX_id | author_id |
Join Tables | XXX_YYY with the table names in alphabetical order | items_orders |
As for the normal tables, we usually use pluralization of the corresponding model name:
Model / Class | Table / Schema |
Article | articles |
LineItem | line_items |
Deer | deers |
Mouse | mice |
Person | people |
When generating a migration in RoR, we can use the commands look like this:
rails generate migration CreatePosts title:string content:text
And db/migrate/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_create_posts.rb
file would be generated:
class CreatePosts < ActiveRecord::Migration[{Version-Number}]
def change
create_table :posts do |t|
t.string :title
t.text :content
Because of the naming convention of RoR, if you name the migration Create${Models}
, the table called ${Models}
would be generated automatically, we have more of these conventions in RoR migration:
Convention | Meaning |
AddXXXToYYY | A migration containing the appropriate add_column would be generated |
RemoveXXXFromYYY | A migration containing the appropriate remove_column would be generated |
CreateJoinTableXXXYYY | A migration containing create_join_table of XXX and YYY would be generated |