RoR - Routes & Controllers
Today I browsed the source code of “Audience1st”, during which I found many interesting things. I write them down just for future review.
Speaking of routes in Ruby on Rails, we have to go into the file config/routes.rb
to see what’s going on.
It’s good practice to separate different user groups in RESTful routes. Most commonly, you might group a number of administrative controllers under an Admin:: namespace. You would place these controllers under the app/controllers/admin directory, and you can group them together in your router:
namespace :admin do
resources :articles, :comments
This will create a number of routes for each of the articles and comments controller. For Admin::ArticlesController, Rails will create the following 7 routes by default:
HTTP Verb | Path | Controller#Action | Named Helper |
GET | /admin/articles | admin/articles#index | admin_articles_path |
GET | /admin/articles/new | admin/articles#new | new_admin_article_path |
POST | /admin/articles | admin/articles#create | admin_articles_path |
GET | /admin/articles/:id | admin/articles#show | admin_article_path(:id) |
GET | /admin/articles/:id/edit | admin/articles#edit | edit_admin_article_path(:id) |
PATCH/PUT | /admin/articles/:id | admin/articles#update | admin_article_path(:id) |
DELETE | /admin/articles/:id | admin/articles#destroy | admin_article_path(:id) |
As for config/routes
, in Audience1st, we have:
Notice the comment sections
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# :format => false means that this app only returns 'html'
scope :format => false do
# Root Path
root :to => 'customers#show'
resources :bulk_downloads
resources :account_codes
# :expect indicates that rails should not include the routes in the list
resources :imports, :except => [:show] do
# 'member do' enables Rails to create a path 'imports/1/download_invalid'
member do
get :download_invalid
# 'collection do' enables Rails to create a path 'imports/help', contrast with 'member'
collection do
get :help
class CustomersController < ApplicationController
# Actions requiring no login, customer login, and staff login respectively
ACTIONS_WITHOUT_LOGIN = %w(new user_create forgot_password)
CUSTOMER_ACTIONS = %w(show edit update change_password_for change_secret_question)
ADMIN_ACTIONS = %w(create search merge finalize_merge index list_duplicate auto_complete_for_customer_full_name)
# All these filters redirect to login if trying to trigger an action without correct preconditions.
before_filter :is_logged_in, :except => ACTIONS_WITHOUT_LOGIN
before_filter :is_myself_or_staff, :only => CUSTOMER_ACTIONS
before_filter :is_staff_filter, :only => ADMIN_ACTIONS
# This will skip the before filter - 'verify_authenticity_token' for the action 'auto_complete_for_customer_full_name'
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, %w(auto_complete_for_customer_full_name)
NOTE: ApplicationController
is practically the class which every other controller in you application is going to inherit from (although this is not mandatory in any mean). In this case, :is_logged_in is an instance method in application_controller.rb