Graph Construction
: holds the current state of graph construction, store Tensorflow operation properties, the first argument to operation constructors
. Multiple Scope
s can refer to the same graph.
Create a new Scope
object by calling Scope::NewRootScope
, which creates some resources such as a graph to which operations are added, and the Scope
object returned by Scope::NewRootScope
is referred to as the root scope. It also creates a tensorflow::Status
object which will be used to indicate errors encountered when constructing operations.
“Child” scopes can be constructed from the root scope by calling various member functions of the Scope class, thus forming a hierarchy of scopes. A child scope inherits all of the properties of the parent scope and typically has one property added or changed.
Here are some of the properties controlled by a Scope object:
- Operation names
- Set of control dependencies for an operation
- Device placement for an operation
- Kernel attribute for an operation
Operation Constructors
It is used to create graph operations, using one C++ class per TensorFlow operation(class-per-operation). C++ uses camel-case to conform to C++ coding style. For instance, the MatMul
operation has a C++ class with the same name.
* The first parameter for all operation constructors is always a Scope object
* Tensor inputs and mandatory attributes form the rest of the arguments
auto m = MatMul(scope, a, b);
* Specify a single optional attribute by constructing an Attrs object using the
* static functions provided in the C++ class for the operation.
auto m = MatMul(scope, a, b, MatMul::TransposeA(true));
* Specify multiple optional attributes by chaining together functions.
auto m = MatMul(scope, a, b, MatMul::TransposeA(true).TransposeB(true));
// Or, alternatively
auto m = MatMul(scope, a, b, MatMul::Attrs().TransposeA(true).TransposeB(true));
It is used to create a tensor constant, using tensorflow::ops::Const
// Scalars
auto f = Const(scope, 42.0f);
auto s = Const(scope, "hello world!");
// 2x2 matrix
auto c1 = Const(scope, { {1, 2}, {2, 4} });
// 1x3x1 tensor
auto c2 = Const(scope, { { {1}, {2}, {3} } });
// 1x2x0 tensor
auto c3 = ops::Const(scope, { { {}, {} } });
// 2x2 matrix with all elements = 10
// Shapes explicitly specified
auto c1 = Const(scope, 10, {2, 2});
// 1x3x2x1 tensor
// Shapes explicitly specified
auto c2 = Const(scope, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {1, 3, 2, 1});
Graph Execution
A session
will be needed when executing a graph, using tensorflow::ClientSession
class, which will execute operations created by the operation constructor
s. Here’s an example:
Scope root = Scope::NewRootScope();
auto c = Const(root, { {1, 1} });
auto m = MatMul(root, c, { {42}, {1} });
ClientSession session(root);
std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
session.Run({m}, &outputs);
// outputs[0] == {42}