Design Patterns Overview
Main Purpose
Separate out the things that change from those that stay the same.
- Program to an Interface, not Implementation
- Prefer composition & delegation over Inheritance
- Delegation is about interface sharing
- Inheritance is about implementation sharing
But in practice, design patterns will usually not used until your code become ugly enough.
SOLID Principle
- Single Responsibility principle
- Open/Closed principle
- Liskov substitution principle
- Injection of Dependencies
- Traditionally, Interface Segregation principle
- Demeter principle
For for informations and examples about Design Patterns
, go to this website.
Single Responsibility Principle
A class should have one and only one reason to change.
- High LCOM (lack of cohesion of methods) scores
- Long class with “cliques” of methods
- Extract class using delegations and compositions. For example, in
Ruby on Rails
, we have keyworddelegate
which can do the job.
Open/Closed Principle
Classes should be open for extension, but closed for source modification.
- Lack of ability to extend (usually refers to adding new types or methods of doing the same thing) without changing the Base class. (E.G. PDF Exporter, HTML Exporter)
statements based on class or other property that doesn’t change after assignment.
Statically typed language: abstract factory pattern, relatively easier in duck typed language like ruby.
- Template Pattern:
- Set of steps is the same, but implementation of steps different.
- Using Inheritance: subclasses override abstract “step” methods.
- Strategy Pattern:
- Task is the same, but many ways to do it.
- Using composition: component classes implement whole task.
- Decorator Pattern:
- Add behaviors to a base class.
- Delegations in multiple layers. - Delegation chain.
In Practice:
Can’t close against all types of changes, we have to choose.
Liskov Substitution Principle
Subtypes can substitute for base types.
“A method that works on an instance of type T, should also work on any subtype of T.”
- Change to subclass requires change to superclass. (Rectangle-Square: Violation, Solution)
- Long class with “cliques” of methods
- Composition: rather than inheriting from T, create class that has a T as a component.
- Explicitly delegate method calls on T to that component. (inheritance ≈ implicit delegation)
Injection of Dependencies (DIP)
“Inject” an abstract interface that a & b depend on.
A depends on B, but B interface & implementation can change, even if functionality stable.
- Adapter: Rails example: database “adapters” for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL …
- Facade: Unify distinct underlying API’s into a single, simplified API. (like jQuery!)
Demeter Principle
Only talk to your friends, not strangers.
- Long chains of method calls.
- Delegation: Replace method with delegate.
- Visitor: Separate traversal from computation.
- Observer: Be aware of important events without knowing implementation details.
- In Rails, we have
and keywordobserve
- In Rails, we have